Friday, May 22, 2009


Well, sometimes the best-laid plans are set aside. Judi's surgery has been postponed until Monday due to instrument problems in the OR. She is in great health, but they need to have the right tools for the job.

While we'd certainly prefer that the surgery get done earlier rather than later, we want it done right the first time. We will let you know about the new time when we do.


  1. I know you are all on an emotional roller-coaster. This will give her a few more days to get even stronger. Hang in there!

    Gayle Crawford

  2. Jess,
    Thank you for keeping us posted. Judi keep fighting.


  3. All things happen for a reason. This just gives us more time for more prayers :)
    Hang in there Judi, it will all be behind you before you know it.
    Love and prayers,
    Christine Brown

  4. Thank you for the update, Jessica. Tell your mom just to get stronger and better-we're wating for her :)

  5. Thinking good thoughts and sending prayers your way. Thanks for the updates. Vickie Cantrell
