Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009, aka Chillin' III

First, on Judi's behalf I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for the well wishes for Mother's Day. I read all of them to her and I am sure they made her day. Once she is well, I am sure this will be her second most memorable Mother's Day (the first being her first as a Mom).

Not much to write about tonight. A little lighter again today . She stayed awake for a significant portion of the day which must have wore her out because she was sleeping like a baby when I left tonight. I believe we will have to get the surgery behind us before she makes much more progress. Her back obviously makes her uncomfortable as her awareness level increases and I suspect she may be retreating a bit to make it stop. I'm certainly no medical expert, but as many of you know I have a lot of experience with a back that hurts to the point you would try anything to make it stop. We should be able to nail down a date for her surgery tomorrow and hopefully put this one behind us soon.

You'll also be glad to know that Jessica is back in charge of the blog and will keep everyone up to date as we move forward. This will be a critical week in Judi's recovery so please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Thanx again to everyone for the tremendous support you have given us, I am not sure what we would have done without you.




    Love and prayers, Trish

  2. Thanks for the blogs. You two are doing a terrific job keeping everyone post. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers everyday.

  3. You guys are doing great. I'm glad to hear that Jess took some time out for herself because it will just make her stronger for her mom. We sat at the pool this weekend and talked a lot about the many great summers we spent there. Tell Judi that her chase lounge is ready for her :)


  4. Hi Judi....just checking in on you and so thankful for your progress. Keep on keepin' on....we're all still praying and so hopeful that you will be able to get your back sx soon and be much more comfortable. God bless you, Steve and Jess, for being there for her (and for keeping us all posted). Judy C

  5. Thanks for keeping us updated ~ so happy to hear about the progress every day. Judi, it just won't be the same at chemo tomorrow without you!!!!!
    Love, Vicki

  6. God is good all the time. Thank you for keeping us informed. Baby steps as they may be; soon they will bring her home. We love and pray for you continued recovery Judi.

    Janice Sims

  7. Steve just wanted to thank you very much for the blog. I read it every day to keep up with our friend Judi. We are continuing our prayers for her. And will do so til she is able to get back to her old self again. Keep up the good work Judi and you will be back throwing that bowling ball in no time. Your Friend Deborah Turner

  8. Hey Steve, just wanted to let you know we are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. Only met Judi one time but I could tell she is full of energy and loves life!! Please let us know if we can help in any way. Steve and Teresa Palmer

  9. Hi Steve, we had specific corporate prayer at work for you for strength and Judi's full recovery; 80-90 prayerful people strong! I am trusting that God will continue to show His lovingkindness toward you and Judi and bring you through this stronger and closer than ever.
    Joh 14:1 "Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me.

  10. Our prayers are with you through this trying time. We continue to think of your family and know that God is taking care of you all.

    John I.
