Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Inching Forward

More good rest today, and another little step forward.

Judi spent a while today breathing entirely on her own, with no ventilator support at all. It was a little surprising to walk in and see the machine on 'Standby.' But the RT (respiratory therapist) came in to assure me that she was breathing fine on her own. It was turned back on later on, but she did great on her own.

Now we have our sights on Friday, when she will have her back surgery. I'm not yet sure of the time. They tell us it will be about a three hour procedure, and while it is definitely a major surgery, it is not quite as invasive as we were expecting it to be. As mentioned before, we think this is going to be a major turning point for her. So now we are just hoping she will continue to rest and get strong for her surgery.

As always, thank you for your continued support and prayers. We are encouraged every day by them. :)


  1. Everytime I check the blog I am amazed. Judi is a truly a fighter. Thanks again for keeping us all updated.

    Love and Prayers being sent to all of yall.
    Sarah Scott

  2. Such WONDERFUL news!!! Praise the Lord!
    Thank you so much for keeping us updated.
    Prayers are streaming atcha every moment!
    Mary Ellen

  3. I think of Judy every day. She did so much for Brent as he fought his battle with cancer. Steve will remember that I called Judy and I hadn't even met her, but I knew she was Steve's wife and she would tell me if Dr. Keaton was a good doctor. She never told me she worked for him! She cared for Brent and kept me informed and most importantly calmed (as much as that was possible). She is a remarkable woman and I know that she is in God's loving hands as are you, Steve and Jessica. She will be ordering us all around before you know it. I know all you want right now is a squeeze of your hand or for her to say your name. As you have been saying all along - baby steps. Every day is a treasure.
    Nancy Smith

  4. We will 'kick it up a notch" for her as she prepares to go through the surgery. Tell her to keep strong! We love and miss her talking! Julie

  5. Keep on keepin on.... Love ya girlie. You are one of the strongest women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I know you will beat this, hands down. "You can do this.", as a wise woman once (ok a thousand times) told me. You keep fighting and we will keep praying.
    Jenny T.

  6. Judi,
    Friday will be here before we know it. We will continue to pray for you, Steve and Jess. Patients are asking about you daily. We miss you at AOA.


  7. Jessica, thanks for posting this blog. It lets all of us know the progress Judi is making and you truly have a way with or painting pictures with your words. Keep the faith, as I know ya'll will, and we will keep on praying as hard and as often as possible.
    Greg and Pam

  8. Waiting for you to get stronger so I can visit. Miss you all and keeping you in my daily prayers.


  9. David and BeverlyMay 20, 2009 at 9:11 PM

    Judi, I am so happy you are breathing on your own. You are a fighter. We are thinking of you and praying for you everyday.
    David and Beverly

  10. Judi, Steve and Jessica,
    My prayers are with you as you continue on this journey. I will especially be thinking of all of you on Friday during surgery.

    Prayers also for the team of doctors who will be taking care of you.

    I can't wait until you are back with us on Wednesday night.

    Be strong my friend....


  11. Judi & Family,
    Please know that our family and friends will be lifting you up tomorrow, as Judi faces this next step in her recovery. Again if there is anything we can do my phone numbers are in the cookbbook that was signed at WW. Thinking of and keeping you and your family close at this time........Nancy Redd

  12. Judi,

    I just know that you are going to come through your surgery just fine tomorrow. I'll see you when I get back from a family reunion in Alma. I'll be seeing Christopher and Katy this weekend with my "four-legged granddaughter"......she is an adorable dauschand (?spelling)named Eva. I'll give you a full report. We have our entire Sunday School class and choir at Abilene praying for you. Keep the faith and stay strong......Cathy Golden
