Thursday, July 30, 2009

Puzzling Days

Judi is continuing to struggle with the ventilator, which is puzzling the doctors. They said it is not neurological, which is a relief. Still, we are a little frustrated that she is having so much trouble. This may not seem like that big of a deal, but it is holding her back in her recovery, because she gets completely focused on the ventilator and can't get past it. (Much like when she was at MCG the first time around.)

Fortunately, she was approved to not have to wear her back brace in bed anymore, which is a huge relief for us. Putting the brace on is a big task, and it causes enough discomfort sometimes that it defeats the purpose of sitting up in bed. We are not having as much luck getting the neck brace cleared, but you can't win them all, I guess.

We are a little concerned right now with the site of her craniotomy. Since the installation of the drain, the skin has really drawn in. The neurosurgeon is considering putting her bone flap back soon, which would be another good thing for her, we think. While there are some health advantages to having it out, it will be safer for her when it's back in.

Despite the apparent doom and gloom, she is showing some progress. The surgery set her back a bit, but she's starting moving her hands and feet around again. So, as always, we are trying to take things one day at a time.


  1. Thank you for the update. Have been thinking postive thoughts and channeling them your way. Baby steps still, but steps indeed. Julie S. (Jules)

  2. I continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Angie Jones

  3. We are praying!!!!
    Mary Ellen Smith
    Weight Watchers

  4. Judi contiues to be in our thoughts & prayers and on the prayer list at our church, Rosemont Heights Baptist in Waynesboro. We also pray for continued strength for you & Jess. God bless, Mike & Sandra White

  5. Thinking of all of you every day. It's as much of an emotional marathon for you guys as it is a physical and mental one for her. All 3 of you are amazing. It's a road full of peaks and valleys and right now all you need to focus on is reaching a nice even plain where you can build from there. Keep it up and know that there are a ton of people here to support you when you need it.

    Sending happy thoughts always,


  6. The Lord is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
    He will not grow tired or weary,
    and his understanding no one can fathom.
    He gives strength to the weary and
    increases the power of the weak.
    Even youths grow tired and weary, and
    young men stumble and fall; but those
    who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
    They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
    Isaiah 40:28-31

    Keep your faith!

  7. Judy,
    Hang in there and you will be off that ventilator in no time. I have been on vacation so I missed getting the updates. We know that you are working hard to get well and we are thinking of you and praying for you daily.

    Cathy and Chris Golden

  8. Hey Judi,
    It's almost time for bowling to start. We are sure going to miss you. You work on getting strong enough to come see us.
    Steve & Jessica, My husband and I ride, so Judi kept us posted on the arrival of her new bike. You are right about how excited she was about her bike. She was positively bouncing when she made her first solo road run. We hope she will be back at it soon. Our prayers are with all of you.
    Rose & Danny

  9. Steve and Jessica,
    I have been over to see Judi a couple of times but have missed yall. I am glad to hear she can have the brace off, but stay on them about the collar! I know Jessica is excited about school starting next week. Come see us!
