Thursday, August 6, 2009

Looking Up!

Jessica is wide open getting ready to embark on her new career as a school teacher (teaching eighth grade math at Grovetown Middle School) so I am going to do my best to keep the blog updated for a while. This post will be a little longer than usual as I try and bring you up to date with all that has happened this week.

Judi is off the ventilator! The standard protocols were just not working for her and it did not appear that she was having any real trouble breathing on her own. We finally just took her off the ventilator (under intense observation) and she never missed a beat. I will admit that it took a couple of days before I could relax and not count every breath she took.

We were also able to get her cleared from the neck brace after all. Kudos to the MCG team for that! They kept evaluating her condition and determined it was safe and beneficial for her to start regaining strength in her neck muscles. She is still exploring that new freedom and we are watching her closely to ensure she doesn't over do it.

Judi's movement of her hands and feet continue to improve as well. She is strongest on her right side which is expected since the majority of her brain injury manifested itself on the right side. Most of you know that the right side of the body is controlled by the left side of the brain and vice versa. This was the reason we were so concerned that the shunt had to be installed in the left side of her brain since there had not been any visible damage there.

We have made the decision to put the bone flap back in that was removed during her craniotomy back in April. We believe this will allow her brain to move back to its "natural" orientation and provide the best environment for it to continue to heal. It will also be much safer for Judi as she continues the recovery process. This will be a long surgery for Judi and we anticipate that there will be some issues restoring the fluid balance in her head following the replacement. This could require additional surgery and/or manipulation of the shunt that was installed, but we'll deal with that as necessary. I also anticipate that this will be one of those emotional roller coasters from a scheduling perspective in the Operating Room. Since it will be a long surgery, it will be difficult to get and maintain an open window due to all of the critical cases that come to MCG. We will also have to put Judi back on the ventilator for the surgery. I am confident though that she will continue to be the fighter she has been from the start and continue to step up when she needs to.

There has been a lot of good news this week, but we have a long way to go. Judi is still in the ICU and needs all of your prayers. I don't have the words to describe how critical they have been to our family. I can say that there have been several days that I only made it by drawing on the strength of those prayers and it is obvious that God is watching over Judi as she recovers.

Thanx for the continued support,


  1. Just heard about the accident, I was actually in the motorcycle safety class with Judi. First, Judi felt very lucky to have a husband and daughter so supportive of "her dream" and even though we slugged through the rain, her smile and sense of happiness in doing something she enjoyed was wonderful to watch. Secondly, I know very few people as driven as Judi when there is something she wants in life. Having said that, there may be hurdles for her to overcome but rest assured she is up to the challenge.

    Keeping the caregivers and Judi in my thoughts and prayers.


  2. David and Beverly VineyardAugust 6, 2009 at 8:17 PM

    This news is wonderful! Thank you for the update, Steve. Judi, David I and are praying for all of you and we think of you often. You have come a long, long way. Keep on fighting and working hard.

    Beverly and David

  3. Hi Steve.
    It's Nancy from Wednesday Night WW....Thanks for the anxiously awaited news about Judi!! Our
    family and friends will continue to keep you and yours in the prayer circle....please give Judi a hug from me.....

  4. I am so proud of you for hanging in there with her! she is a trooper! You have been through all the ups and downs that a couple could possibly fight through..I am always here for you all when you need me.I am still standing by and keeping up with yall and keeping faith that judi gets better.She is still my favorite..hang in there!! MUCH LOVE! *JEN*

  5. Excellent! It is so great to hear of Judi's progress. We are proud of all three of you and continue our daily prayers for you. Ya'll have stood strong during this chapter of your life. This curve in your lives can do nothing but bring the 3 of you closer but then I am not telling you anything you don't know. We will continue thinking of ya'll and praying for ya'll daily.

    Pam and Greg

  6. Judi is lucky to have the family she has! As I read all of the messages from friends, I see that my sister has touched many lives, and made quite the impression.

    Judi is a fighter, and always have been since the day she way born. I thank god every moment of the day to give her the strength to overcome the challenge in front of her.

    I agree with Steve that the power of prayers do keep one going on to face another day! I have been down that road where Steve and Jessica are today, and I know first hand it is not an easy one.

    Their strength is amazing, and I am lucky to call Judi "sister"
    Love your sister Kelly

  7. I continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. May God continue to embrace you and keep you in his care.
    Angie Jones

  8. God bless all of you as you continue this journey. Our prayers will continue!

    Gayle Crawford
    Wed. WW

  9. Steve and Jessica-thank you so much for the updates. Your thoughtfulness in keeping us up to date during these weeks is very much appreciated. With all that you have had on your plate, please know that it does not go unnoticed. Judi, as always, stays uppermost in our prayers each day. Judi, keep up the good work, and stay strong-as you yourself know, this is just a bump in the road. Your determination (and stubbornness! ;) ) will keep you on the right path. The prayer chain continues, Steve and Jessica. Julie S. (Jules)

  10. I know you and Jes are excited about the first day of school. I sent my boy to kindergarten this AM! So So So happy to hear they took the collar off. YAY!!! Glad yall are in the neuro icu, and away from the "trauma drama!" hope i will see yall soon!

  11. Love ya Judi! I miss our phone calls. I think of you everyday and say a pray for you and your family. Keep up the fight girl, you can beat it. Deanna

  12. Thanks for the updates. I am still thinking about Judi all the time! Let her know that we at AOA love her very much!

