Sunday, September 27, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Well, we have been home for a little over a week and things are continuing to evolve on a daily basis. I didn't think I could be any busier than I was before, but I am busier than a three legged cat in a litter box (you'll have to use your imagination to get the picture).

We have completed the initial Home Health speech, occupational and physical therapy evaluations. We tried as much as possible to pick up where we left off at Walton. In some cases it was not possible to continue specific therapies at home (e.g. standing frame), but we were able to come up with activities that accomplish essentially the same goal. The Home Health program will continue until she is strong enough to participate in an outpatient therapy program. I suspect that will be 4-6 weeks and we'll keep the same focus areas that we had at Walton.

Judi is eating very well and hopefully the next swallow study will show some significant improvements. She is feeding herself, but the technique needs a lot of work. Meal time is a true test of patience, but you have to let her do it if she is going to learn. Much of it is continuing to develop her eye/hand coordination again.

We have made significant gains on the mental front since being home. Judi will essentially follow any command that she understands. She has become very inquisitive in many areas, but anything mechanical in nature totally intrigues her and she has to figure out how it works. As you can guess, she usually figures it out pretty quickly. She is very good picking colors and now we are working on numbers and letters. She is also starting to recall memories from the past. I talk to her almost constantly when we are together and as mentioned before, I believe she understands all of it. Today I asked her if she remembered what she did to me the first time we went to the beach together (that was 30 years ago), and she busted out laughing. As previously stated, I won't tell you all our secrets, but that was clearly the right response. I can't tell you how uplifting it is to hear her laugh. Jessica also comes running when she hears her because it just validates to us that Judi is there and we just need to help her come back.

We have had some very emotional days as she continues to absorb what is around her and where she is physically/mentally. I don't think she remembers what happened to her, but I think she realizes that she has a serious brain injury and some associated physical limitations. She gets very frustrated at times when she is not able to get her body/mind to do what she knows it should do. I will admit we have had some good cries together and it usually does both of us good. Those are usually followed by a little quiet time holding her close and praying with all the energy I have for the strength to carry on. Those prayers have been answered every time and it seems that the spark in those brown eyes of hers gets a little brighter when we work through these. Although these are emotionally draining, they are all good signs that her cognitive side is returning.

As far as talking, I expect her to start at any minute.

I need to thank all of you for your continued support and prayers. I need to give special thanx to my brother and some very generous members of his church. They are all builders by trade and are providing the labor to build a sun room on the back of our house to give Judi a wonderful place to recover since all of our bedrooms are upstairs. I also need to give a special thanx to Mary Ellen and Christine from Judi's Weight Watcher's group for the wonderful meals they brought for us last week. The food was awesome and I am signing up for the program if this what they get to eat!



  1. Steve,
    That is so incredibly awesome. I can just see her pushing you away indicating ...I can do it myself! Also, those tears are just as wonderful as the laughter. It is very soul-cleansing. It makes the laughter even sweeter. Judi, I pray that you will continue to do well and in no time you will be able to get to the next level of therapy. I hope to see you soon.

    In our prayers,

    Cathy Golden

  2. Steve,
    I am one of Judi's Weight watcher's pals. I have been reading all of the posts since the accident and can sincerely tell you that this latest one is the most hopeful one I have seen. Do not misunderstand: I have every reason to believe in your family's hope for complete recovery and that continues to be my most fervent prayer for you. But when you wrote of the "tears" it brought back memories of my own family member's experience with a brain injury and I related to how hard the tears were to deal with. Yet they ended up being a true and early manifestation of that person's presence in both mind and spirit. I salute your devotion and know through and through that Judi is aware of all that is being done with and for her. My prayers will also include a wish that you take care of yourself as well. She needs you to do that so you can continue to care for her. I will touch base with Mary Ellen and Christine to see if I can participate in anything else they may do for you all. Hang in - LeeB

  3. Steve I am so glad to hear Judi is doing better. I know it will be a short time and she will be back to throwing that bowling ball. Keep up the good work. Judi keep the faith. Your Friend Deborah Turner

  4. We continue to keep Judi in our prayers. I have to say, that you and your faithfulness have truly given me an example of what "in sickness and in health" truly means. May God continue to strengthen you as you care for your wife so lovingly.

  5. Yes!!! What wonderful news!!! Steve...your wonderful, superfantastic, very deep soft heart shows in neon in this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You are the HUSBAND OF A LIFETIME!!! Thank you for this update. Go Judi!!!
    I'm still in the hospital with my Mom and when my situation is a little calmer....more meals on the way!!!
    Hooray!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!
    Mary Ellen

  6. Steve
    I am so glad that Judi is home and doing very well. She is a very strong lady.We are still continuing to pray for you all. Thanks for the updates.

    Sharon Don and Tiffany
