Saturday, May 22, 2010

Never, Never, Never Give Up!

Winston Churchill sure had it right. Some of you may have noticed that Jessica, Judi and I are wearing silver necklaces with a round pendant on them. The pendant has these words engraved on it and we use it as a reminder on those tough days. A lot has transpired since my last post so I will try and update everyone to where we are today. Now that school has ended for the year, I will try and have the real writer in the family (Jess) update the blog more frequently.

We have jumped into the world of neurofeedback (NF) with both feet. The quantitative EEG (QEEG) provided a lot of insight into the current state of Judi's brain. I could go into a lot of technical discussion here (I have become much more knowledgeable of the brain than I ever wanted to be), but here are the basic facts: 1) the right side of her brain showed abnormal power levels at low frequencies, 2) above the low frequencies, ALL sections of her brain showed normal power and 3) there were a significant number of connectivity issues between the right and left side of her brain. The key take away is that all sections of her brain are functional (evidenced by normal power above low frequencies). This would indicate that Judi is a great candidate for NF to correct/improve the issues she has. We have made significant progress in modifying her brain waves at the low frequencies, but have not seen any significant changes physically yet. I could list a bunch of little things that have changed, but we are looking for some major changes soon. The logistics of getting her to the EEG Centre are taking a toll on us. It is about a three hour drive one way to get her there and we are working hard to get her to the point where we can do the training at home. We need to make sure we have the training protocol "dialed in" before we do that. Remember that we are impacting her brain waves by this training and if you can do good, you can also do harm.

Physical therapy continues to go well and Judi is getting stronger every day. The most critical issue is still her neck and her ability to hold her head up on her on. We are performing electrical stimulation on her neck muscles and her left side arm/leg at home. Although it consumes a considerable amount of our home time, it is clearly having a positive impact. Once we have the neck issue corrected, we will be ready to get her on the treadmill (supported obviously) and start working on walking.

Speech continues to show very slow improvement. She is very vocal in her sleep and is obviously trying to put words together. I am positive that it is just a matter of time. NF could help this issue as well.

Her cognition continues to improve. She is VERY aware of what is going on around her and understands even subtle issues. I am sure she is struggling to come back to us and I am sure knowing Judi the way I do, she is very frustrated as well. Again, this is a primary focus of the NF program.

We are in the process of recovering from the loss of the caregiver that has been with us since Judi came home from the hospital. Due to the need to care for a family member, she had to resign from her position. This was a huge setback for me. She did an awesome job and I trusted her to care for Judi with the same tenacity and compassion as I do. We have found a replacement that I believe will do an equally good job, but it will take several months to bring her to the point that Judi gets the same care/therapy she had been receiving. I am currently gapping that effort as she comes up to speed.

I think that is all the big stuff for now. Please continue to remember us in your prayers. I encourage you to come and see her if you are so inclined. She enjoys visitors and I am sure that it means more to her than any of us realize to see friendly faces and revisit memories associated with them. I am also sure she is glad to see/hear someone other than me.



  1. Judi and the whole family are regularly in my family's prayers.


  2. Judi and Family,
    Just wanted to let you know that all of you are still in my prayers!

    Gayle Crawford

  3. Good Morning Judi and Family,

    Just checking in with you to let you know that all of you are still in my prayers.

    Gayle Crawford

    Ps....Happy Father's Day, Steve!
