Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Busy Busy

Believe it or not, we are getting busier and busier. We have a lot of activities in progress and Judi continues to get better each day. This will be a quick update with more details to follow as we get closure on some of these activities.

I think the biggest news is that Judi is clearly starting to consistently work with us on yes/no responses. We have been working hard here and we are finally getting her to provide responses to very simple questions using cards (red-no, green-yes) or fingers (two-yes, one-no). We try to string these in multiple linked questions to ensure that she is not just guessing. She is definitely understanding, but still a long way to go. This one is VERY big for us. This clearly marks a step to a new level and I am very excited that we can finally start to communicate with her.

BOTOX injections for her left arm/hand are scheduled for next Monday. We hope to see significant results from this treatment.

Judi continues to be very vocal and we continue to push hard in this area. Any day now I expect her to make the break through and start talking to us.

I have decided to have Judi undergo some neurofeedback therapy sessions. I have been researching this for a while. I have talked with several therapists and people that have utilized the therapy as well to aid in making this decision. It is very hard to describe the process, but it is basically a mapping of the brain with subsequent "training" of the brain utilizing external inputs and electrical feedback to the brain to reinforce positive responses. Although the primary success has been in the area of ADHD/behavioral recovery, there have also been significant successes with traumatic brain injuries as well. As I have mentioned before, I am convinced Judi is fully aware of her surroundings and that there is a specific gap that exists that we must figure a way around for her to fully recover. Based on my research, there is a real chance this therapy could succeed and it cannot hurt her. Unfortunately it is still considered experimental so insurance doesn't cover it and availability is limited. One of the best in the country is located in North Carolina so we will be making that trek on a frequent basis for a while.

That's pretty much it for the update. I try to keep the blog focused on Judi's status, but I need some help if possible from the team. As I indicated above, we are getting busier and busier every day. As Judi continues to recover, she requires more and more one-on-one attention. That combined with the pending out of state therapy is making it impossible for me to get all of the things done around the house that needs to be done. I am looking for someone to come in and clean the house on a regular basis. If any of you could recommend someone, I would greatly appreciate it. Several of you have volunteered to do it, although I greatly appreciate the offer, I can't impose on you at that level. I am also looking for a pool of three or four people that I can train to sit with Judi for a few hours at a time. Again, many of you have volunteered here as well. While I encourage any of you that are interested to come and "hang out" with Judi, I am trying to protect the line between caretaker and friend as much as possible. I am sure that with a little thought all of you can understand why that will be important when my girl recovers. If you could recommend someone, I would greatly appreciate it. I obviously would rather have someone that is recommended by people that care for Judi than trying to interview them and determine their trustworthiness. If you don't have it, my e-mail is

Thank all of so much and keep praying for us. It IS making a difference!



  1. Hi Judi...Hi Steve....Hi Jessica...Prayers continue here and THANK YOU for your faithful updates. My Mom was in the hospital for the last 7 days and now I have a stuffy nose and the upper respiratory that she had. One wing of the Nursing Home is quarantined. I miss seeing Judi and will not share germs at this time. Her progress is outstanding and is because of your
    passion to see her whole.
    I'll check some contacts for your requests.
    Mary Ellen

  2. Steve,
    Thanks so much for continuing the updates. My parents and I have not missed one. I love your positive attitude and am indeed seeing positive results as a result.
    You haven't heard anything from me recently but we continue to pray and stand in agreement that Judi will fully recover one step at a time. Healing is a process and Judi's recovery continues to be progressive.
    God bless you and your family.
    Jane Jacobson (Weight Watchers)
