Friday, May 8, 2009


A short post tonight.
Resting and getting stronger was the regimen for today. Judi is clearly much "lighter" from an awareness perspective now that her mouth and nose are tube free and she is only on a low dose of pain medicine. That's a Steve term , not a medical term. She responds to various things around her by opening her eyes and looking around, heart rate goes up, etc. She REALLY gets mad when they suction out the breathing tube because it makes her cough. Again, baby steps, but in the right direction. Hopefully this will continue throughout the weekend and we can get her ready for back surgery next week.


  1. YES!!! YES!!! Great news! Thank you for this update! Your name is in our prayer box at Whole Life, Judi.... It is prayed over every day!!!
    God is on your side!
    Mary Ellen

  2. From Jackie and Perry Tucker,
    Checking in and see hope anew. You go girl. Thanks for the update Steve. More prayers on your behalf. Stay strong.

  3. Hi Judi! Missed you Wednesday Night..But with Gayles help I'm Learning how to keep in touch with you thru the computer. Judi,stay Strong and know that we are all keeping you close at WW. Nancy Redd

  4. Judi,
    I check your progress daily and get excited with the steps your are able to make.I am your new neighbor at work,deskwise.Feels like the old days at AOA UH office. The only thing missing is you!Patients ask about you daily.Keep fighting friend...

  5. I know you are making progress my friend! Yahoo! I can't wait until you wake up and start telling the nurses how to do their job. Ya'll are still in my prayers. Love you all!


  6. David and BeverlyMay 9, 2009 at 10:30 PM

    Judi, we are praying for you and you are one strong woman, fight hard! Thought about you guys a lot today. Take care Jessica and Steve, one day at a time. We are checking your progress daily and cheering you on!
    David and Beverly

  7. Hi Judi...
    Glad to hear the positive updates. All you need to do is rest and heal. You have lots and lots of people pulling for you and praying non-stop. Hang in there!!

